Look out Cancer, here I come!!!!

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Pre- Op Trip to Barnes !!! eeew yay!

Today was Pre-registration day at Barnes! Well actually it was at C-PAP which is at Seitman and yes I got lost!
We left way to early I thought, 11:30, but by the time we found C-PAP patient registration it was 1:55! Still early in my book but Windall was freakin' because unlike me Windall HATES to be late for anything! I know you all are smiling because you know me!
Anyway, my first nurse was great! She came in to take my EKG and was kidding Windall about getting excited by all the stickies she was putting on me, we were laughing so hard, she said "you just want to put that on facebook, I know you do!" My heart is fine!
Then the Nurse practitioner came in and asked all the other questions, but was concerned about my blood pressure, 155/102. I told her I usually run high any time I get close to Barnes, but she made me promise I would say something to Dr. Aydt if it didn't come down. I forgot to tell her about the 4 salty hotdogs I've eatten in the last 24 hours, there's probably enough salt in those to kill a horse! Anyway, I promise to watch it.
To be a good blogger, I realize I need pictures. I forgot to take a picture of my nurses, I won't make that mistake again, I appreciate there words and blessings and want you all to see who will be working with me so you can ask for prayers for them too!
So after passing my EKG, answering questions (my favorite is do you consume alcohol monthly, weekly, 2-3 days a week, daily, etc....... I told her I usually have a couple of glasses of wine in the evening and that the last time I went through this they told me "oh don't worry, whatever you tell us we just double so you get enough anesthesia!!!! Of course, this nurse said "who told you that?" I've never heard of that! Darn, that's has been my favorite thing to tell people, but now I guess it wasn't true!
At this point I am set to go into surgery Monday at 12:30. Dr. Z will be removing (debulking) cancer from near the spleen and removing the spleen too. My prayer is that we can stay ahead of whatever cancer may be growing and that they find a cure soon! Or at least something that will slow this down!
Thank you for reading this, I will blog on my way to Barnes and right up to the time I'm in surgery and I'll have Windall post from there until I'm back in commission. I love ya'll! Hugs!


  1. It is so like you to entertain others during your difficult days!! I loved the comments about the wine, I always sort of hope that they don't ask me those personal questions in front of my mother!!! hee hee. It is your job to rest and recover, it is our job to pray. You not only have a few friends & family praying, you have an ARMY of pray-ers! Love ya dearly.... blessings & hugs

  2. My whole life I have looked up to you! You have always been a wonderful example of how to live life. You won't letter cancer beat you. You are a fighter because you have such zest for love, life and family! You are the life of the party (because you can kick, you can stretch, you can kick). LOL! You have beaten the odds with each battle and with your army of pray-ers you can win the war. Call me selfish, but I want you around forever. I LOVE LOVE LOVE You! Regina XOXOXO

  3. Praying for you! Love the wine comment whether what they told you originally was correct or incorrect I would still tell that - great story!

  4. Having had an EKG, I know those stickies to be more like Cardiac Pasties!

    Am getting ready to go on your calendar. I will bring meals...but me and cooking...not so much. But I PROMISE I will cook whatever you, Windall, and Drew will eat. However, I also promise you I would scrub your grout around Drew's toilet and be happy about that, too.

    Praying for you tonight to have a good rest. Will pray for you at 12:00. Praying for surgeons right now to be sleeping well (hopefully they're Cards fans so they're all happy they are going into all-star break with a win)! Love you!
