Look out Cancer, here I come!!!!

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Good Saturday morning!

Much better day today than yesterday!

Yesterday started with taking my shower which I didn't think I would make it through, I've never had so little energy in my life! Than a 2 hour drive to visit Dr. Z to have staples removed and discuss chemo.

Barnes wasn't doing anything new in the trial arena so I had 2 choices and chose the original chemo that I've used in the past. It seems to work well with me and since it's been longer than 6 months (it's been 18 months) since my last chemo I can used the same one.

So, next Friday I start my first round of chemo. There was discussion that I could take the chemo here in Cape, but Nurse Nancy and Dr. Z are both up there and I would rather see them and they know my history and quirks that it just made sense to do it there.

Part 1 of this journey is over, surgery! Thank you all so much for keeping us all covered in prayer. I felt as if I've been carried through this whole process.

Part 2 - Chemo will start next week! In this part I'm also hoping to change my diet since I'm pretty much de-txed I should take advantage of the right things to eat instead of prepared or pkgd foods. Going to try more of the veggie fresh stuff.

Please feel free to pass things along to me if you run across them! There are so many good ideas out there but they can be overwhelming if you look for them all day long! (guilty!)

There was a verse inside a card I recieved this week that I am meditating on - Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer - Romans 12:12 (NIV)

Love ya'll!


  1. glad you are doing better,again let me know if there is anything I can do for you. You will have to let me know because I don;t want to bother you. Lin Ps you know my email, my cell is 579-9889

  2. Love you and pray for you often. Missy

  3. I'm glad to read this update. I was worried since you have not posted anything on FB. I forget about your blog. Your picture is great and you look wonderful. I'm glad you feel so good about Dr. Z. Do what works for you. You are inspirational to me. BE STRONG!!
    Love and kisses ---Debra
