Look out Cancer, here I come!!!!

Monday, August 2, 2010

What day is it anyway?

Hey all,
Sorry to take so long but I'm back in the hospital. Here's what the last 4 days have been like:
Friday- been having fever and chills, realize it's Friday and hopeful when I call they will prescribe an antibiotic for me. No suc luck, I had to be seen, so Windall and I loaded up and headed to Barnes/admitting. Got here around 12:30 and started tons of tests. Found out late Friday that there was fluid behind my scar (normally from multiple surgeries in the same spot) and there was a bacteria growing somewhere. Dr. Z and the residents came into my room and started opening up part of my scar and pressed and this fluid cme out allowing me some instant relief. Windall got to watch him do that and thought it was amazing! That's when I learned that it would remain open and changed twice a day. They wanted it to heal from the inside out.
But they were stilled very concerned about the bacteria so that's pretty much why I'm still here.
Since being here I've had no fever or chills and actually feel pretty normal. I'm hopeful to go home tomorrow which I think is Tuesday.
Thank you again for all your prayers! Love you!

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Good Saturday morning!

Much better day today than yesterday!

Yesterday started with taking my shower which I didn't think I would make it through, I've never had so little energy in my life! Than a 2 hour drive to visit Dr. Z to have staples removed and discuss chemo.

Barnes wasn't doing anything new in the trial arena so I had 2 choices and chose the original chemo that I've used in the past. It seems to work well with me and since it's been longer than 6 months (it's been 18 months) since my last chemo I can used the same one.

So, next Friday I start my first round of chemo. There was discussion that I could take the chemo here in Cape, but Nurse Nancy and Dr. Z are both up there and I would rather see them and they know my history and quirks that it just made sense to do it there.

Part 1 of this journey is over, surgery! Thank you all so much for keeping us all covered in prayer. I felt as if I've been carried through this whole process.

Part 2 - Chemo will start next week! In this part I'm also hoping to change my diet since I'm pretty much de-txed I should take advantage of the right things to eat instead of prepared or pkgd foods. Going to try more of the veggie fresh stuff.

Please feel free to pass things along to me if you run across them! There are so many good ideas out there but they can be overwhelming if you look for them all day long! (guilty!)

There was a verse inside a card I recieved this week that I am meditating on - Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer - Romans 12:12 (NIV)

Love ya'll!

Friday, July 16, 2010

It's vitals time!Thought I would get a pic and share. But it's all about the tube in the nose! I HATE IT!
Just wanted to say "hey!" thanks for checking in. Oh and I may have felt some gas move! Let's hope, love ya'll.

Not much to report for the last two days, everything is pretty much the same. Dee Dee is doing fine but her bowels just don't want to wake up, so we wait another day and she endures another day of the tube. Visitors for the last two days are Martha Polen and our god daughters Sarah and Emily Polen, Bev Givens, Linda and Dustin Mckinnis and Patti Davis. Hopefully tomorrow we will find out when we are going home. Good night.

Wednesday, July 14, 2010


Well its wednesday which has been alot like tuesday with new faces. She walked 3 times today which is really good and there is no more roommate, yea!!! She is still out of it, sleeping most of the day. The only issue has been blood preasure, to high, but they are controlling it with meds.

Visiting today in order are, my brother Kingston, DeeDee's long time friend from the Famous Barr days Bonnie Martin, my sister Pat, friends Mary Hiler and Julie Greaser with thier kids Angela Hiler and Stewart Greaser. Overall its been a good day and we are still hopefull for a friday release but no word on that yet. Thanks again for all the prayers, we are both feeling them. I'm heading to my sisters soon for some sleep, good night.

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

This is windall, sorry for the delay but the last two days have be n kind of crazy. On monday we left for STL at around nine thirty, when we were about thirty minutes away from Barnes we got a phone call from the hospital wanting to know where we were, DeeDee told them and then they asked if we knew we were suppose to be there at nine!! Obviously we did not and we had even called to enquire that as well as any other special instructions and were given none. As it turned out there was no problem they still took her in just a little late, surgery started at one thirty.

Present on the day of surgery were Randy and Laura Sparkman (great friends), Pat Samford (my sister), Macy Wilson (our daughter), Becca Bliss and Sarah Scheniman (friends of Macy's). Good times had by all for the first couple of hours, after that, not so much. Pat and Laura played with thier beads.

She finally came out of surgery at six thirty, considerably later than we had expected. Dr. Z came out to talk to me at about seven and said that the surgery had gone very well. He took the spleen as expected but also found a tumor the size of a baseball on the colon! That was not on the scan. Then he also found some small areas near the liver and in the pelvis and took the appendix for good measure (no cancer there). Needless to say she is going to be a little uncomfortable. Randy and Laura stayed until they got her to the room then headed home. She was awake when they left and asked how long the surgery went. After hearing the answer she replied HOLY CRAP and then she was out. I left after the nurses had her settled in.


I got a good nights sleep at my sisters house, who by the way made me an incredible breakfast. I got to Barnes at about nine thirty only to find out she had gotten a roommate, not good. She was still out of it but not for long because they wanted her to sit up and eventually walk, she was not a happy camper. Liliana, Susan and Regina came by today in time to be a part of that joyous occasion, glad it wasn't just me. I have to say, though, she showed them and walked all the way around the hallway. Go DeeDee!!! After that I went to eat with Susan, Regina, Abbey and Jeff. Just as we were getting ready to leave the Drunken Fish DeeDee called and asked where I was followed by get back here now! Seems there was a bit of drama during the shift change and it had her upset, I only left because she told me to. She is now down for the night and I am getting ready to head to my sisters, will talk again tomorrw. Good night.

Sunday, July 11, 2010

TODAY was BIG! Well, Last night was big, we had a wonderful meal at Kevin and Mary Hiler's home last night! and Julie Greaser made the best tomato pie! thanks guys! love ya!
Then today did church (great message on Freedom) served communion and was prayed for
by the best prayer warriors I know! God showed up in a BIG way and I don't see any possible way that this cancer is going to win tomorrow! Everything and everyone involved with this
surgery was prayed for,even the fact that I hate Barnes was brought out into prayer, I can't wait to see how that turns out! I'm ready to go, let's get this show on the road!
THEN Martha Polen, Susan Leming and I went to get pedicures. LOVED IT! Took the opportunity to have my toes painted teal (the color for ovarian cancer) and had the little cancer ribbon painted on the toes! Had a great time with the girls and love my toes! Hope it gives the folks in the OR something to smile about tomorrow! Maybe even Dr. Z will get a kick out of them!

took us 3 trys to get a picture with the Iphone! Yay, I'm tech savvy!

Then we finished off the evening with the USUAL SUSPECTS over at our house for dinner and now I'm blogging. I am soooo Blessed! Thank you to everyone who has written on my wall, called, texted, prayed, sent well wishes to me, may God bless you all 10 times over for sharing your prayer time with me!

Philippians 4 6-7 - Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus!

Tomorrow I'll take you on the road with me and in my heart!
Love ya!
Dee Dee

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Pre- Op Trip to Barnes !!! eeew yay!

Today was Pre-registration day at Barnes! Well actually it was at C-PAP which is at Seitman and yes I got lost!
We left way to early I thought, 11:30, but by the time we found C-PAP patient registration it was 1:55! Still early in my book but Windall was freakin' because unlike me Windall HATES to be late for anything! I know you all are smiling because you know me!
Anyway, my first nurse was great! She came in to take my EKG and was kidding Windall about getting excited by all the stickies she was putting on me, we were laughing so hard, she said "you just want to put that on facebook, I know you do!" My heart is fine!
Then the Nurse practitioner came in and asked all the other questions, but was concerned about my blood pressure, 155/102. I told her I usually run high any time I get close to Barnes, but she made me promise I would say something to Dr. Aydt if it didn't come down. I forgot to tell her about the 4 salty hotdogs I've eatten in the last 24 hours, there's probably enough salt in those to kill a horse! Anyway, I promise to watch it.
To be a good blogger, I realize I need pictures. I forgot to take a picture of my nurses, I won't make that mistake again, I appreciate there words and blessings and want you all to see who will be working with me so you can ask for prayers for them too!
So after passing my EKG, answering questions (my favorite is do you consume alcohol monthly, weekly, 2-3 days a week, daily, etc....... I told her I usually have a couple of glasses of wine in the evening and that the last time I went through this they told me "oh don't worry, whatever you tell us we just double so you get enough anesthesia!!!! Of course, this nurse said "who told you that?" I've never heard of that! Darn, that's has been my favorite thing to tell people, but now I guess it wasn't true!
At this point I am set to go into surgery Monday at 12:30. Dr. Z will be removing (debulking) cancer from near the spleen and removing the spleen too. My prayer is that we can stay ahead of whatever cancer may be growing and that they find a cure soon! Or at least something that will slow this down!
Thank you for reading this, I will blog on my way to Barnes and right up to the time I'm in surgery and I'll have Windall post from there until I'm back in commission. I love ya'll! Hugs!

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Here we go!

Okay, I've set this thing up, not I'm not really sure what I'm supposed to do, but i want it to be entertaining and informative so please forgive me if it seems lame at first, I will learn!