Look out Cancer, here I come!!!!

Friday, July 16, 2010

It's vitals time!Thought I would get a pic and share. But it's all about the tube in the nose! I HATE IT!
Just wanted to say "hey!" thanks for checking in. Oh and I may have felt some gas move! Let's hope, love ya'll.


  1. You look good! Continuing prayers for the tube to be gone! love you! Missy

  2. Did you ever think you would be wishing to have gas? Lol! Hope things start working soon, so you can get home! Michelle

  3. You look gorgeous -- even with the tube in your nose!

  4. Tubes don't change your beauty on the inside or the outside! Love ya and continuing to pray for you daily. I stopped by Kohls yesterday...geeze that place was falling apart without you! You'd better get well soon. lol
    Hugs -

  5. Love the tube! You are starting a new trend. It'll be on the red carpet before we know it. Yippee for the gas!! I hope things keep moving along.
    Hugs and kisses,
